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Grid Following vs. Grid Forming Energy Storage: What's the Difference and Why Does It Matter?


In the world of energy storage, two terms are gaining a lot of attention: grid following and grid forming. These technologies are crucial for how energy is managed, stored, and used in modern electricity networks, especially as we transition to more renewable sources like solar and wind power. But what exactly do these terms mean, and why are they important? Let’s explore the differences between grid following and grid forming energy storage and understand their roles in creating a more resilient and reliable power grid.

Understanding Grid Following Energy Storage

Grid following energy storage systems, also known as grid-tied or grid-dependent systems, are designed to sync with the existing power grid. These systems rely on the grid to maintain frequency and voltage stability. Essentially, they "follow" the grid’s lead. When the grid is up and running, these storage systems actively absorb and release energy, helping to balance supply and demand.

Key Characteristics of Grid Following Systems

Dependence on the Grid: Grid following systems are highly dependent on the main grid. They require a stable grid frequency to operate effectively. If the grid goes down, these systems typically can't provide power on their own unless paired with additional technologies like backup generators or uninterruptible power supplies (UPS).

Reactive in Nature: These systems react to the existing conditions of the grid. They help manage small fluctuations in power supply and demand but are not designed to handle major disruptions or outages.

Common in Traditional Power Networks: Grid following systems are commonly used in areas with stable power grids where energy storage is mainly used for peak shaving, load shifting, or balancing intermittent renewable energy sources.

Exploring Grid Forming Energy Storage

On the other hand, grid forming energy storage systems are designed to "form" the grid independently if needed. They can operate both in connection with the main grid and in an isolated or "islanded" mode, where they create their own frequency and voltage reference. Grid forming systems are more autonomous and can provide power even when the grid is down, making them essential for off-grid applications or in areas where grid reliability is a concern.

Key Characteristics of Grid Forming Systems

Independence from the Grid: Grid forming systems can establish their own frequency and voltage, allowing them to operate independently of the grid. This capability makes them ideal for providing backup power during outages or in remote areas without grid access.

Proactive Control: Unlike grid following systems, grid forming systems proactively control the energy flow, ensuring stability and reliability even in the absence of a stable grid. They can manage large disruptions and restore power quickly after an outage.

Critical for Renewable Integration: As more renewable energy sources like solar and wind are integrated into the grid, grid forming systems play a vital role in maintaining grid stability. They can quickly respond to fluctuations in power supply, making them essential for a future powered by renewables.

Why Grid Forming Technology is Gaining Popularity

Grid forming technology is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to enhance grid stability and resilience, especially in the face of a growing share of renewable energy sources. Unlike conventional power plants, which have rotating masses that naturally stabilize frequency, renewable energy sources like wind and solar are variable and do not inherently provide frequency support. Grid forming energy storage systems fill this gap by actively managing frequency and voltage, ensuring a steady flow of power.

Enhancing Grid Resilience: In areas prone to natural disasters or grid failures, grid forming systems provide a reliable backup. They can quickly take over when the main grid fails, maintaining power supply to critical infrastructure like hospitals, data centers, and emergency services.

Supporting Decentralized Grids: As the energy landscape evolves, more communities are looking to decentralize their power supply. Grid forming systems enable microgrids, which can operate independently from the main grid, ensuring local energy security and reducing the impact of broader grid failures.

Facilitating Renewable Energy Adoption: By stabilizing grid frequency and voltage, grid forming systems allow for a higher penetration of renewable energy. They can manage the variability of renewables, making them a key component in the transition to a sustainable energy future.

Comparing Grid Following and Grid Forming Energy Storage: Key Differences

When to Use Grid Following vs. Grid Forming Energy Storage

The choice between grid following and grid forming systems depends on several factors, including the specific application, location, and energy goals:

For Grid Stability and Backup Power: Grid forming systems are the best choice when grid stability is a concern or when backup power is needed during outages. They are particularly useful in areas with unreliable grids or for critical infrastructure that requires a constant power supply.

For Cost-Effective Peak Shaving and Load Shifting: Grid following systems are ideal for cost-effective peak shaving and load shifting in areas with stable grids. They help reduce electricity costs by storing energy during low-demand periods and discharging it during peak demand.

For High Renewable Integration: As we move towards a more renewable-focused energy landscape, grid forming systems are becoming increasingly important. They provide the flexibility needed to manage the variability of renewables, making them a key component in the future of energy storage.

The Future of Grid Following and Grid Forming Technologies

As the energy grid continues to evolve, both grid following and grid forming technologies will play crucial roles. However, the push towards greater renewable energy integration and decentralization will likely drive increased demand for grid forming systems. Their ability to maintain grid stability, even with a high penetration of renewables, makes them essential for the future of clean energy.

We can expect to see continued innovation in grid forming technology, including advancements in battery storage, control algorithms, and system design. As these technologies mature, they will enable more resilient, reliable, and sustainable power grids worldwide.


Whether you're looking to enhance grid stability, provide backup power, or facilitate renewable energy adoption, understanding the differences between grid following and grid forming energy storage systems is crucial. Each has its unique strengths and ideal applications. By choosing the right technology, you can ensure a reliable and sustainable power supply that meets your energy goals.

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